Observations From a Tourist

This is my last news from Nepal I am returning this evening to Portland. But I will be back a bit later.   I have walked across this square so many times from every direction. Sometimes just to sit and look at the marvel of the buildings and the unique art work they reflect. At […]

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Photo Updates From Nepal – A Torn Nation

  This is a typical scene in our neighborhood. 15 houses alone just behind my house look like this. Ours is damaged, but repairable.   Almost all brick buildings are down. The remaining newer pillared buildings like the ones in the background (like ours) survived, but most all are severely damaged. 8 million of the 28 million […]

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Namaste from Kathmandu!

  The tragedy in this country is horrible and will take at least a decade to heal. You can do web searches to get a more complete story. NECO Home is severely damaged and our children still living outside in a cow barn but are safe and well fed. What wonderful children. While the schools are still […]

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Newsletter – February 2015

NEPAL CHILDREN ORPHAN HOME Founded 2006 Namaste Greetings to you all from Kathmandu, the ‘Top of the World!’  We have huge and important updates for you this newsletter, with tremendous improvements in the lives of our kids. This time we focus more on pictorial descriptions with hopes of better visualizing our work to you.  So […]

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Newsletter – December 2014

Namaste Everyone and greetings for a wonderful holiday season! Just some short updates at the orphanage. Winter is upon us. Although we seldom ever have snow in Kathmandu Valley, temperatures do approach freezing where heat is only provided by space heaters.  And since our orphanage is located at the base of Nagarjun Mountain, the sun […]

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