NECO Activity

NECO FOUNDATION [March, April & May] Hello Everyone, Welcome to our NECO Foundation report of the activities that happened in the last few months. Firstly, The Children have started their new schooling session from 21st of April as it was the beginning of new classes in school. Most of them did better in their studies […]

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February 2024

February 2024 Hey Everyone, Namaste and Alláh-u-Abhá ! Welcome back to our updates ! As before, we had another more top and busier month to welcome and settle for the new children. Here’s the picture with the new house dress before leaving their school. We had to add more rooms for the senior girls with […]

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“ I For You and You For All.”

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Summer Vacation 2023

Welcome Back to our Updates ! Our kids just finished their summer vacation . These vacations became very fruitful for them. They learnt to swim, cycling and feed animals . Also this vacation became book free time for them. Here's some clips of their activities. By swimming we kick out all the heat and it […]

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Health Check Up – Monthly Update- Prothestic Eye

Namaste and Welcome back to our Updates with these three charming young girls. We would like to say sorry for the delay in our updates as we were busy spending our vacations. But we'd a bunch of pictures and we're excited to share them. We had a very enjoyable and fruitful time during this vacation. […]

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